Azoospermia, characterized by absence of sperms in semen volume is one among the common health disorders inducing fertility problems in men. Causes leading way to the risk of fertility problems vary from one person to another. Both physical as well as psychological causes play equally important roles in forming this fertility disorder. Some among the common causes reported for the formation of azoospermia include hormonal disorders, testicular infection, obstructions in seminal passage, chemotherapy and prolonged intake of certain medications. Treatments for curing azoospermia are usually prescribed after analyzing the right cause of problem. According to the cause of problem, azoospermia is mainly divided into two as obstructive azoospermia and non-obstructive azoospermia. At present, people can easily diagnose this health trouble by doing sperm count test.
Following herbal remedies is found to be very effective for the treatment of infertility problems. Lack of side effects and prolonged result are two main advantages of following herbal remedies.
Tribulus terrestris, an active ingredient in ayurvedic medicines is an effective herbal remedy for azoospermia. Apart from curing azoospermia, this herbal remedy has been used for centuries for the treatment of reproductive disorders like low libido and erectile dysfunction. For user assistance, today you can easily get tribulus terrestis products from medical stores in the form of extracts, pills and tea powders. Intake of tribulus terrestris extract is found to be very useful for promoting the normal level of estrogen and testosterone hormone. It improves blood circulation throughout the body and cures urinary tract infections. Today, tribulus terrestris extract is a perfect choice of supplement recommended for improving the overall sexual health of person. Other health benefits of consuming tribulus terrestris include controlling cholesterol level, maintaining normal blood pressure and enhancing body weight.
Body massaging using relaxant oils is found to be as an effective natural cure for azoospermia. It is a natural cure suggested for improving blood circulation and maintaining proper body weight. Some among the best used herbal oils for doing body massaging include chamomile oil, lavender oil, olive oil and coconut oil. For attaining best result, it is advised to do body massaging thirty minutes before bath. It supplies sufficient nutrients to cells and improves the overall health of body. As per studies made on patients, stress is found to be as a common cause of azoospermia. Body massaging using herbal oils relaxes nerve cells and minimizes the risk of disorders like stress, anxiety and depression.
At present, there are lots of supplements available in market boasting infertility cure feature. Safed musli is one among the effective herbal remedies for treating azoospermia condition. Multiple health benefits featured in this health supplement makes this natural remedy as a number one choice of health practitioners. It revitalizes male reproductive system and prevents the risk of reproductive disorders like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Presence of antioxidants in safed musli delays aging impact and minimizes the occurrence of health disorders. Apart from improving reproductive health, intake of safed musli extract also helps in providing other health benefits like curing diabetes, preventing obesity and enhancing immunity.
Read more about Azoospermia Treatment. Also know effective Precum Treatment.
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